Sunday, November 23, 2008


So my little guy has gotten his first bug. He wasn't feeling good yesterday. He was super whiney and irritable. I wonder how today will go. I don't really have time to write here now, so will post more later.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First teeth!

Jonas got 2 his first two teeth this past week. He is growing oh, so fast! Lately, he has been having quite the time, being comfortable enough to sleep. Seems tonight he is doing well. I am so proud of my little guy!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Oct 31-Nov 4

Jonas did not go out for Halloween. Instead we stayed in and played, played some more , and finally played. lol We had a great night over all.
Last night, we sang to each other, while watching some lullaby programs (12 minutes each) on demand. He enjoyed every second of it. Gosh, he sure is growing!
This picture here, looks to me, that Jonas has some road rage! LOL He's "driving" his excersaucer around, and yelling. What a boy!
Jonas also had some friends over today,
made it all the way till 4pm before he passed out for a nap. When they left, within 2 minutes he was out. Impressive!
Tomorrow, we go for our WIC appointment, and I will update with his stats.

Jonas' Foot

Yay! Jonas' doctors appointment went so well! We were only there for like 5 minutes , in the exam room I mean. The doctor said his foot is great, and basically that he probably will not have problems in the future. Well , more than likely there will be no foot problems in the future. I am so proud!