Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sleeping In His Own Room and Patterns

Two nights ago, we decided it was time. Time for Jonas to sleep in his own room, alone. For the longest time we have been either sleeping in the same room as Jonas, or right where he can see us. Two nights ago, we moved upstairs to our room. It's great. The first night he slept till 6 am and last night we made it all the way till 9:30 am! Sweetness!

Jonas always slept through the night, beginning at 1.5-2 months old. Maybe even earlier. This past week, he decided that he was going to stay up and wait for Daddy. Daddy gets home from work at approx. 11:30pm. For 4 or 5 nights, he's been going to sleep at 2 am or so, and still waking at 8-8:30 am. Well finally last night, he went back to sleeping from 9:30pm till 9:30 am. It's great, hope this continues.

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