Wednesday, April 07, 2010

It's been so long, too long.

I haven't updated our blog in so long.  I am trying to keep up with this blog faithfully now.  This post may be a bit long , this way we can get you all caught up on what's been going on around here for the last, year.

In the first weeks of March 2009, we discovered that we were expecting baby #2.  We found out at 19 weeks and 1 day , that this little blessing, was a boy.  Xander Eli  was born on November 10th 2009, weighing in at 9lbs 4.1 oz and 22 inches long.  He is now going on 5 months and is our happy little ball of energy.

Xander cut his first 2 teeth about 2 weeks ago!  He's already trying to crawl, and his favorite past times are trying to keep up with his big brother, jumping in his jumperoo, and absolutely no sleeping! (if he can help it)

Jonas Avery, will be 2 on May 29th 2010.  He loves to play and jump.  He can count (1,2,5,6,8,9) we're working on it!  He is going to see Sesame Street Live on April 21st.  He loves Wow Wow Wubbzy , Elmo and ball playing.  He recently discovered an interest in coloring with crayons, and not just the magna doodle.  He has also discovered , it's not SO bad to have a baby brother to play with! 

Ok, so for now that is the update on the boys.  I am going back to college on April 26th 2010.  Charles is still working at his job, and continuing to support the choices I make.  Overall we are a happy healthy loving family.  Oh, I forgot to post, that we moved to a bigger apartment on January 29th 2010 and everyone is enjoying having their own space.  Lunch time awaits so I will end here for now.  Hopefully I will remember to update at least once every other day , if not every day!

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